Tuesday, August 5, 2008

imagine that

here we are
half a century old
and embracing all of the challenges of today
and tomorrow on the corner of
gray cloud boulevard and sunshine parkway
so far, our lives have been pretty lively
maybe a little too much so at some points
so far, our lives have been fulfilling
maybe not as much as we would've liked at times
so far, we've outlived some of our
former classmates
and pet dogs
but did you ever imagine we'd ever get here?
i'm smiling at the thought of that
because my fondest memories of you include:
sleeping on your floor in moorings
friday night happy hours in roz's room
toiling in the booth at whov
stepping over howard's football pads
struggling through the uncertainties of post-hampton life
dancing to beats that only we could hear
and then finally realizing that:
stones are meant to be stepped over
obstacles, no matter how high can be hurdled
that there are, in fact, answers in the sea
and that sometimes you just have to
chill and be still
for it will come
in short, we've learned to wine and dine
as opposed to whine and dine
the more i think about the time we've already spent together
the more i love god for putting you in my life
thank you for being that willow
that shelter in the storm
happy birthday ms. thang
celebrate all of the possibilities on this day
and on all of the ones that follow
i look forward to 50 more years of memories
can you imagine?

top photo: (1980 on the steps of moorings hall) miki, paula stewart, charlene alexander, birthday girl brenda mallory and roz murray. we had gotten dressed up for church on our last sunday as undergrads but the memorial chapel was closed!
bottom photo: (2006 at croaker's spot in richmond, va) miki, charlene and brenda talking to roz on the celly

1 comment:

Favored said...

There are some memories that stay on our hearts forever because, even when those we share them with are gone, God intended those memories to warm us forever.

And then there are memories that stay with us because we keep making new ones with the people with whom we share them. Friends who come into our lives so gently,
so quietly that we don't even know how or when; it just seems like they've always been there.

And then there are those, like my dear friend Miki, who crash in like the surf hitting the shore. And we have ebbed and flowed in each others lives ever since... steady, sure, constant.

Our home by the sea, Ubiquity forever, big hair, across the country, around the world, crazy careers, crazier boyfriends, laughter, tears, love found, love lost, more laughter, more love, blessed and favored... a friendship that defies time and space... I thank God for you and can't wait to see what the next 50 years holds for us!
