Wednesday, June 18, 2008

tears on my laptop

i'm one of those people who almost never cry. it's not that i don't feel things, i do. it's just that sometimes the tears, for some reason, just don't flow. that said, i almost always cry when i see the team, or a player i'm rooting for win the big one in real life or in the movies. rudy, remember the titans, kareem abdul-jabbar's final game, kevin garnett.

i initially predicted that boston--a team i can go back to hating now--would top l.a. in five games for the nba crown. i was wrong. it took six for kg and crew to win the big one and for my tears to fall.

why kg and not kb?

when i covered the nba back in the '90s he was always one of my favorites. always open, always polite, always making you laugh and never cocky. he had the most amicable demeanor of anyone in the locker room, which made it so much easier to be a small woman in the land of the giants. that's why i got a little misty as i listened to him try and express his emotions last night through his own tears.

i was especially moved when he embraced celtic great bill russell and thanked him for his guidance.


this title, this feeling, this moment has long eluded kg. and he has been repeatedly maligned for it.

kg is now going to get that elusive ring, but i think he's also going to learn a very valuable lesson.

sometimes you've just got to be still and it will come.

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